京都・四条烏丸駅から徒歩7分の場所にある「ROUN' -ラウン-」は、京都らしい和の趣を感じさせる隠れ家的ビューティーサロンです。フェイシャル・ネイル・ハンドケア・フットケアを通じ、お客様一人ひとりのお悩みに寄り添ったケアを心がけています。サロンでは、信頼のある美容メーカーから厳選した美容機器や材料を使用し、社内での検証を繰り返して選び抜いた上質な施術をお約束。さらに、麦飯石を使用した岩盤フットバスも完備。高い遠赤外線効果と美肌効果が期待でき、心地よいリラックスタイムをお楽しみいただけます。完全予約制で、おもてなしの心を込めた贅沢な時間をぜひご堪能ください。
Located a 7-minute walk from Shijo-Karasuma Station in Kyoto, 「ROUN'」 is a beauty salon that is a hideaway with a Japanese atmosphere typical of Kyoto. Through facials, nail care, hand care, and foot care, the salon strives to provide care that addresses the concerns of each individual customer. The salon uses beauty equipment and materials carefully selected from trusted beauty manufacturers, and promises high-quality treatments selected through repeated in-house verification. In addition, the salon is equipped with a bedrock foot bath using barley stone. The bath is expected to have a high far-infrared ray effect and beautifying effect on the skin, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable relaxing time. Please enjoy a luxurious time with our hospitality by making an appointment only.